Katherine Swetman Katherine Swetman

Help for hunger here at home

Congressman John Faso | NY Daily News The Daily News’ front page this week said it all: “Hunger Pains,” describing how city food pantries were preparing for a potential second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The same story is being told…

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Katherine Swetman Katherine Swetman

Hungry Children Can’t Wait for Government ‘Innovation’

Stan Soloway | Government Executive In the midst of a crisis, USDA policies make it nearly impossible for states to deal with the surging need for food assistance. Two months ago, I wrote in this space about the current pandemic’s…

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Katherine Swetman Katherine Swetman

Now Is The Time to Reform Government, Not Swell Its Payrolls

John Faso | RealClear Policy Public health authorities have said that an essential part of the effort to contain coronavirus outbreaks is to institute a system of contact tracing across the nation. The Centers for Disease Control and others recommend…

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Katherine Swetman Katherine Swetman

GovExec Daily: Removing Barriers to Innovation in COVID-19 Legislation

Stan Soloway joined the podcast to explain how the pandemic is an opportunity for legislation modernizing some aspects of government. The coronavirus crisis has upended American life, with the federal government and state governments responding with various levels of efficacy.…

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Katherine Swetman Katherine Swetman

The Pandemic Is a Clarion Call to Remove Barriers to Innovation

The COVID-19 crisis presents an opportunity to put in place solutions that will benefit us all, now and in the future. Across the spectrum of relief and stimulus initiatives, many of them federally funded and state administered, antiquated technology and…

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