The Center for Accountability,
Modernization and Innovation (CAMI)

We provide thought leadership designed to help government work better for the American people.

We advocate for policies enabling public/private partnerships that drive innovation in and enhance the performance of federally funded public assistance programs, while also improving the quality of service to beneficiaries.

  • Accountability

    Accountability systems allow public, private and individual stakeholders to measure and evaluate the success of programs. We are dedicated to the highest standards of measurement, review, and accountability.

  • Modernization

    Modern systems treat people with dignity and respect as they encounter and interact with government services. CAMI supports policies that ensure modern and effective tools and protocols are in place through public and private partnerships.

  • Innovation

    When public and private sector leadership combine, we have the opportunity to bring best management practices to complicated, seemingly intractable problems. CAMI supports innovation in government program and service delivery.


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